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General meetings with all stakeholders involved in the project

Become familiarized with the “Theory of Change” model

Created a first draft of the survey which was then presented to all stakeholders

Revise the survey with stakeholder feedback

Create a final survey to send to education professionals for review and feedback


Brainstorming who would give important opinions in the education system

Decision on doing a survey

Brainstorming of questions

Creation of a draft via Google Survey

Creating surveys one for teachers and the other for students

Presenting our draft to the different stakeholders and implementing their proposed changes

Translating the Survey in different languages

Conducting the survey within a representative sample size

Analyze the survey results


Two completed surveys that analyse teachers and students opinions and compare

Provide the survey in multiple languages

Present the results in an appropriate manner


Make comparisons and conclusions  based on the information provided in the survey  without any bias

Offer our results to all community members (website)

Provide a framework that can be used by other communities as a tool for conducting and analyzing a stakeholder survey

Schools: Service
Schools: Text
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